As international medical students aiming to achieve a residency in the US, the obstacles we face are unique. This blog is dedicated to sharing insights of this grueling and rigorous ordeal which ultimately could be of use to the wider community. This could serve as a hub where you might not feel as disconnected and isolated from the world as you glance at the life of another medical student going through the same things. Admittedly, the long and endless hours studying for STEP exams and other qualifications can seem lonely at times and betrays a sense of selfishness. IMG's often don't have as strong of a support network or readily available access to resources as their American MD counterparts. My hope is that these blogs can be of utility to those in the same boat as me. Please feel free to contribute since everybody has unique and meaningful perspectives from which we can all learn.
The fact that you've decided to take this path is, in itself, a testament to your resilience, motivation and desire to be a better medic and excel in your field.
More power to your ambitions.